
We believe that environmental issues, like overfishing and large-scale forest destruction, will only be solved when communities are given sustainable livelihood opportunities. We are committed to find and provide practical solutions that improve the livelihood of coastal and upland communities and to conserve the surrounding natural resources for future generations. The livelihood projects focus on small-scale sustainable aquaculture and agroforestry activities. Participants of our livelihood projects are families with a low and unstable income.

Our spear point program has been our grouper hatchery in the Philippines.
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Healthy ecosystems, like lowland forests and coral reefs, provide numerous benefits for the local people living in and around these ecosystems. They provide them with food, medicines, building materials and protection against storms and erosion. The preservation of these unique ecosystems is essential for the future of these people and our entire planet.

We execute projects that actively restore and protect coral reefs and tropical forests and our most important project has been the creation of the Cleopatra’s Needle Critical Habitat (CNCH).
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Science and Education

We believe that education is the key to a sustainable future. Past generations knew how to live in balance with their natural environment but now capitalism has taken over. To restore these valuable understandings of living in balance with the natural environment, we have to start by educating the younger generation. An important part of our educational program is our student program in which international students join our projects for their thesis and internship.

We also work with international and local scientist to gain better more knowledge on these key biodiversity areas, including the people, animals and plants that are part of these unique ecosystems.
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