Our Guiding Principles

It is our goal to ensure that all our projects uphold our organizations core values. Whereby we are guided by our core values and principles.

Be Sustainable

In everything, we do, we try to uphold the highest standards of sustainability, including minimizing our ecological footprint, by for example limiting international air travel and the use of four-wheel drive vehicles.

Be Efficient

We try to maximize the efficiency of our projects by spending a maximum of 10% of the organization’s budget on overhead costs, so that 90% of the funds is used for project implementation. Additionally, all the board members of our organization work on a voluntary basis.

Be Transparent

Through regular reporting to our donors, partners and the public, we are fully transparent and open about the status of our finances and activities.


Instead of bringing in “foreign expertise”, we prioritize capacitating local talented and passionate individuals and organizations, and help them expand their impact.

Go Local

No need to reinvent the wheel, but instead make use of the wisdom and knowledge of locals and especially indigenous people.

Be Inclusive

The rights of indigenous and local people living in and around key biodiversity areas need to be respected, and valued and they always need to be a focal point of any conservation project.

Think Long-term

Always plan and design projects to maximize long-term success.

Our strategy is a holistic approach that balances both human and ecological well-being. In each decision we make we consider the sustainability of our environment, our people and our finances. For us sustainability is a continuous self-improvement process. Persistently we seek for more efficient and sustainable practices to be applied within our organization and projects.